Accessorizing with Vintage and Vintage Inspired Handbags

A shopping habit of mine recently has been scouring secondhand websites like TheRealReal, Vestiaire Collective, and Etsy. Mainly to find handbags that I so badly wanted years ago but could never afford. Now that they’re years old, you can find these bags for a fraction of the price.

Like this Mansur Gavriel handbag I’m wearing in the photo above. I was so in love with this exact purse when it came out. It was such the perfect modern take on a 50’s style handbag. Although at the time, being a recent grad, the price tag was way out of my budget. Then recently I decided to see if I could find a used one online and found this one for a steal. It’s quickly become the most used accessory in my closet.

Since purchasing this amazing pre-loved Mansur Gavriel purse, I’ve been very interested in 50’s and 60’s style of handbags as the perfect accessory. They’re so classic and add such a simple retro touch to any outfit.

You can see below some favorite finds from my research that I wanted to share with you all!

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